It's a part of the zombie pic I am making I just had to share this with you guys sorry bobie but your bear got smaller during the process but it's still cute
It's your spirit....pretty deep stuff right
I dont know I just got this idea and wanted to draw it quickly and show you guys before I forget it again xD
Hey remember the zombie pic I was working on? Yeah it got deleted somehow and im starting a new one.
Check out this zombie with it's guts flying everywhere :D
So I decided to make a pic of us with our weapons of choice when the zombie apocalypse comes yeah I got that idea from tailsbuddy's news post :p
Here is a sneak peek of one of the characters that will be in that pic
Look at it look at it and laugh!
Its been so long since the first drawing I submitted here.Ahh I still remember when I used to draw madness characters with there heads detached :3
Ah the good old days.
So tell me is there some backstory to how you came up with your character?
Soo what have you guys been doing I'm still looking for stuff to do im just playing random stuff and drawing even more random stuff.
Are you planning something for madness day?