Hey guys here is a weird topic video gaaaames.
More specifically online games.
So whats your oppinion?
Do you like online video games or do you hate em?
I for one love online games like TF2 that game is awesome right?
I played with Peaguy and he keeps mashing my head with his freaking frying pan!
Plus i like games that have mature people and not little kids screaming at you with their mic like...
So yeah besides that what is your favorite online game if you have one ofcourse or even your favorite game that works too
Little kids screaming at you with their mics? If you want those then go play Call Of Duty: MW3 or Ghosts on some multiplayer match.
I prefer single player games myself, if about multiplayer ones, then only older games such as Counter Strike or Swen Co-Op
Sorry dude but I'm that guy who prefers playing games which are better than those new craps, for now I'm awaiting till ArmA 3 will be finally done and available in shops. ArmA so far has been my favourite computer game.
Oh sweet man but nah I'd rather not Call of duty and those other ones after seeing little kids rage on a couple of videos on YouTube